A.RANI is a friend to everyone. She has spent her life in the service of others. When her brother contracted the disease, he was only twenty-five. She would not abandon him and was his caretaker until his death in 2006. Her husband fell in a well and died leaving her all alone. Not long after his death her hands began to fold and it was apparent that she too had the disease. She did not want to give in to this trial and decided to live amongst the leprosy afflicted doing all she can to help brighten their lives.
She never new how to draw or paint until she came to the Bindu Art School. When she paints, her inspirations comes from old thoughts and happy memories. She especially loves painting flowers. Rani takes great pride in her paintings and strives to stimulate thought of happiness and peace. She has been described as one of the best artists at the school and in September 2006, had the honor of being one of four artists chosen to show her art at the prestigious Vienna Art Exhibit in Austria. She loved Austria and has also had the honor of showing her art at exhibits in Dehli as well as Chennai. She hopes to do as much good as she can before her hands fail.

Colony: Bharathapuram
Name: A. RANI
Sex: female
Date and place of birth: Chennai
Age: 60
Brothers: dead
Sisters: dead
Married: yes
Husband's name: husband died
Year of infection: 1970
When did you come in the colony: 2002
You live with the family in the colony: no
Why: no family members
The family live in
Have you ever painted before: No, I was weaving plastic baskets
Why do you want to learn painting: desire to paint
Are you happy to stop begging and start painting: yes, because no more begging and the possibility to stay in old age home