"un-berührbare" Malereien im Seminarzentrum Eckhof in Fernitz/Mellach bei Graz Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2010 15 : 00 - 23 Uhr
Sandra and Thomas Prett, founders of Visionary Shiatsu, school of perception, presented the social art-project Bindu-Art-School with a programme of paintings, films and books. During the extensive programme of this one-day event, the guests attended lectures, enjoyed eating Indian dishes and listening to Indian music. In the "Experiment in Perception" it was examined how far paintings by "Un-touchables" changed or modified the visitors perception before and after participating in a special personal 15min. "balance session". The visitors impressions were recorded, filmed and presented on the same day. "THE BALANCE OF GIVING & TAKING REDUCES CONFLICT AND SORROW "THIS PRINCIPLE IS THE SPIRITUAL BASE OF THE BINDU-ART-SCHOOL & VISIONARY SHIATSU AND THE BASE IN THE EXPERIMENT IN PERCEPTION.We would like to thank the initiators Tom, Sandra & Manuel Prett for giving the Bindu Art School the opportunity to present its work and vision in such a positive and caring way. Special thanks also to the Seminar center Eckhof in Fernitz/Mellach at Graz for allowing us to use the premises and to all loving co-workers whose contribution helped to make this a wonderful experience,. Thomas Prett: "Vision and Bodywork" Dr. Ernestina Mazza: "The Transformation through the Power of the heart" Margitha Graf: "Sat Nam Rasayan - The Power of Silence" DJ Bernstein: Music Lucky Star: Indian Buffet Manuel Prett: Filmic Documentary and Presentation Sandra Prett: Idea On behalf of all our students we would like to thank the numerous buyers of the Bindu-works and wish them lots of joy from the paintings.At last thanks again to Tom and Sandra for their efforts supporting people from the heart.We would like to recommend their pleasant treatments from own experience. Visionary shiatsu refers to a very special way of bodywork, which combines spiritual and physical activity and so forms a lasting base for holistic health. Kontakt: 0676 4213623 E-Mail-Adresse
