Padma They have dreams too Padma talks about the Bindu-Art-School
Students and the audience Mallika
Kumar talks about his life and the changes
Kumar talks about his life and the changes
Standing ovation
Standing ovation after the speeches
Uma receives her present
Srinivasan receives his present
Mallika gets her present.jpg
Ramachandran receives his present
Kumar gets a present


Padma Venkataraman sowie die StudentInnenen und Künstler der Bindu-Art-School wurden am 15. 12. 2010 von der Firma Larsen Toubro eingeladen, zu den Managern des Konzerns zum Thema "From Pain to Paint" und über die positive Veränderung ihres Lebens zu sprechen.

"Larsen & Toubro Limited (L&T) is a technology, engineering, construction and manufacturing company. It is one of the largest and most respected companies in India's private sector. Seven decades of a strong, customer-focused approach and the continuous quest for world-class quality have enabled it to attain and sustain leadership in all its major lines of business. L&T has an international presence, with a global spread of offices. A thrust on international business has seen overseas earnings grow significantly. It continues to grow its overseas manufacturing footprint, with facilities in China and the Gulf region. The company's businesses are supported by a wide marketing and distribution network, and have established a reputation for strong customer support. L&T believes that progress must be achieved in harmony with the environment. A commitment to community welfare and environmental protection are an integral part of the corporate vision." >

Padma Venkataraman sprach über die Entwicklung der Bindu-Art-School und ihren StudentInnen. Padma beschrieb auch die positiven Veränderungen in der gesamten Leprakolonie, die sich seit des Bestehens der Schule ergaben.

Die StudentInnen erzählten von ihren Lebenserfahrungen sowie über die inneren und äußeren Veränderungen, die sie durch die künstlerische Arbeit erfahren durften.
Die Teilnehmer dieses Seminars bedankten sich bei den StudentInnen und Padma mit einer "Standing Ovation".
über die anschließenden Diskussionen mit den Managern des Larsen Toubro Konzerns, die Geschenke und das gute Essen.

Wir danken der Firma Larsen Toubro für die Einladung zu diesem Event, das unsere Arbeit gegen das soziale Stigma, das der Lepra anhaftet, sehr unterstützte.

The bindu-students with flowers

Managers looking at the art-works
Kumar presents his painting
Kumar and Uma explain
Our coordinator, friend and photographer gets flowers for his kind help
Speech of the company
The organizer of the event gets flowers
Company-manager talking to Padma
Padma talks to the manager abaout Bindu