Outside of the  Sarthak Mana Kushtashram Celebrating Holy inside the Sarthak Mana Kushtashram Inside the Sarthak Mana Kushthashram Being Happy Holy! Happy Holy from Kaliteerthal to Vadivel Padma draws a Bindi for Happy Holy N. Udayakumar Padma says Happy Holy to a member of the Sarthak Mana Kushtashram B. Ravichandran Celebrating the Holy Festival in the Sarthak Mana Kushtashram, Jaipur Dagmar Vogl, Werner Dornik and Padma Venkataraman after Holy celebration Member of the Ashram Students enjoying the Holy Festival Host of the Sarthak Mana Kushtashram Host of the Ashram Being colored funny and happy! People living in the Sarthak Mana Kushtashram Subiah with a member of the Ashram Uma and Dagmar V. Sundari Werner getting a red Happy Holy! S. Subiah Uma, B. Ravichandran, Dagmar and Malligai colored and happy Part of the Sarthak Mana Kushtashram Bindu Students looking at the handmade clothes by the members of the Kushthashram Subiah, Vadivel and Kumar fascinated about the weaving looms Bindu Students interested about the  garments woven and printed by the people of the Ashram Hosts of the Ashram showing their woven garments Padma, Malligai and Dagmar buying some garments of the Sarthak Mana Kushtashram Bindu Students and group of the Ashram living for visiting the tempel On the way to the tempel Students watching the dance performance dancing in front of the tempel Dancing at the tempel Celebrating at the tempel Students leaving the tempel In front of the tempel palace Students climbing the staircase up to the next temple Padma, Werner and the students at the pooja in the tempel palace Students participating in  a Holy Pooja Students at the pooja in the tempel palace Students getting blessings at the pooja B.Ravichandran being blessed in the tempel Students leaving the tempel palace



6. - 14. März 2012

Die Bindu StudentInnen wurden von Suresh Kaul, dem Präsidenten des Sarthak Manav Kushthashram, eingeladen für eine Woche nach Jaipur zu kommen um an einem Workshop teilzunehmen, ihre Bilder zu zeigen und Jaipur zu besichtigen.
Nur 15 StudentInnen konnten die anstrengende 2-tägige Zugreise antreten, die sie erstmals in ihrem Leben nach Jaipur, Rajasthan führte.

Am Tag der Ankunft wurde in Nordindien das Holy Farben Festival gefeiert, an dem sich die Bevölkerung gegenseitig mit bunten Pulverfarben bemalte. Da in Tamil Nadu, im Süden Indiens, dieses Festival nicht zelebriert wird, war es für unsere StudentInnen ein Erlebnis der ganz besonderen Art.

Nach diesem bunten Ankunftstag im Kushthashram, der ebenfalls Menschen beherbergt, die mit Lepra infiziert wurden und in dem unsere StudentInnen untergebracht und herzlichst aufgenommen wurden, besichtigten sie den City Palace und das Hawa Mahal.

Am nächsten Tag organisierte der Sarthak Manav Kushthashram in Zusammenarbeit mit der Rajasthan Lalit Kala Academy und Ravindra Manch Society einen Workshop mit 9 prominenten indischen und 3 französischen Künstlern in Ramnivas Garden des Ravindra Manch Kulturzentrum Jaipur.
Der Workshop wurde von Musikern aus Dänemark, Frankreich und Indien live umrahmt.

Diese Interaktion mit den indischen und französischen Künstlern, die Eröffnungsreden, die vielen Besucher, die zahlreich erschienene Presse sowie die vielen Komplimente, die unseren StudentInnen gemacht wurden, schenkten ihnen größte Anerkennung, Respekt und Freude.

In den folgenden Tagen durchwanderten die Studenten noch die berühmten Basare von Jaipur um Souvenirs für ihre Familien und Freunde zu kaufen.
Besucht wurde auch eine außerhalb Jaipurs liegende Einrichtung des Kushthashrams, in der Leprakranke handwerkliche Tätigkeiten erlernen können um später ihren Unterhalt durch Arbeit verdienen zu können anstatt betteln zu müssen.

Besonders angetan waren die StudentInnen vom Gemüsegarten der Anlage. Sie haben nun gleich nach der Rückkehr in Bharatapuram ebenfalls damit begonnen im Garten des Schulareals Gemsse anzubauen.

Wir danken Suresh Kaul und seinen Mitarbeitern, den leprakranken Menschen des Sarthak Manav Kushthashram für diese wunderbare unvergessliche Reise, ihre überaus herzliche Gastfreundschaft und das großartige Programm für unsere StudentInnen.

Students getting their meal in the Sarthak Mana Kushtashram In the sleeping room at the Sarthak Mana Kushtashram In front of the temple palace Gate of the Pink City Excursion to the City Palace in the Pink City, Jaipur Inside the City Palace Walking into the Diwan-I-Khas of the City Palace Students walking around the beautiful yard of the City Palace Students very amazed about the ambience of the Diwan-I-Khas, part of the City Palace
Students astonished about the Diwan-I-Khas part of the City Palace complex Werner, Padma and students inside the Diwan-I-Khas Walking around the Diwan-I-Khas in the City Palace Students with Werner Dagmar and Padma in the Diwan-I-Khas of the City Palace Students walking around the Diwan-I-Khas of the City Palace Students enjoying the ambience Students with Werner Dagmar and Padma taking a rest in the City Palace Subiah Munusamy and Godavari having a rest in the City Palace Having a rest in the Prince Palace Students leaving the City Palace yard Students fascinated about the ambience of the Palace yard Students leaving the City Palace Students inside a hallway of the City Palace Munusamy and Kumar interested about the exhibited photographs Students going through the Peacock Gate to the other part of the City Palace Students in front of the royal residency, Chandra Mahal in the City Palace complex Students amazed about the Peacock Gate getting to the other part of the City Palace Students in front of the Chandra Mahal, the royal residency  of the City Palace Students looking around the Mubarak Mahal yard an other part of the City Palace complex Students shopping in the City Palace shop Students and Padma enjoying the shopping Students with Dagmar, Werner and Padma inside the Palace of Winds Walking around in the Hawa Mahal Students and Padma enjoying the ambience of the Palace of Winds Students very amazed about the gorgeous Palace of Winds Taking rest at the Hawa Mahal Students and Dagmar inside the Hawa Mahal Part of the Hawa Mahal with surroundings Students enjoying one of so many facets of the Palace of Winds Uma and Munusamy exploring the surroundings of Jaipur Inside the Hawa Mahal, Palace of Winds Munusamy looking through a window of the Hawa Mahal Students, Padma and Dagmar having a rest after visiting the Hawa Mahal Students tired after a long walking excursion day Students resting outside the Hawa Mahal Viewing the Hawa Mahal behind a beautiful garden Walking around the Pink City of Jaipur Inside the Sarthak Mana Kushtashram viewing the tempel palace Camel of Jaipur Rajasthan building Ramigarh Re-Integration Center, a joint venure of Sarthak Mana Kushthashram and Club Nomades France Padma welcomed with bindi and rice at the Ramigarh Center Munusamy welcomed with a girland Students welcomed with bindi and rice at Ramigarh Center B. Ravichandran saying Namaskar Students welcomed at the Ramigarh Re-Integration Center Padma Venkataraman and Bindu students Sundari and Radha Computer class at Ramigarh Re-Integration Center Sewing class at Ramigarh Re-Integration Center, Jaipur Students and Padma getting some info about the mechanical class at Ramigarh Center Director of Ramigarh Re-Integration Center explaining the daily routine of the center Students visiting the department of producing cardboard boxes at Ramigarh Center B.Ravichandran helping with the finished boxes Students watching the finishing of cardboard boxes Padma giving some info about the Lepra Ashram Padma happy about the excursion Students at the kitchen garden at Ramigarh Re-Integration Center Nice green grass in the kitchen garden at Ramigarh Center Visiting the cowhouse at Ramigarh Re-Integration Center Students and Padma walking along Ramigarh Re-Integration Center
Little snack after the excursion at Ramigarh Re-Integration Center Chai and snacks after the excursion Vadivel Munusamy B. Ravichandran Subiah
Tempel palace out of the Sarthak Mana Kushtashram