Jaipur Rajasthan Banner of the workshop at Ramnivas Garden, Ravindra Manch Cultural Center Suresh Kaul welcoming all guests Padma Venkataraman puts a girland on Gandhiji Padma lighting a candle Suresh Kaul, president of Sarthak Mana Kushthashram and Padma Venkataraman Daniel Fillod, Club Nomades, France Artist Vidyasagar Upadhyay Daniel Fillod, Suresh Kaul and Padma Venkataraman Rani and Kumar welcomed with flowers on behalf of the Bindu-Art-Students Daniel Fillod, Club Nomades Artists at the workshop Artists workshop at Ramnivas Garden, Ravindra Manch Cultural Center Artist Abdul Karim Artist Nathula Vema Senior artists Vinay Sham and Surenra Pal Joshi Artist Vidhyasagar Upadhyay Uma giving out colors for the workshop Bindu students painting at the Ravindra Manch Cultural Center workshop Bindu students getting to know other ways to produce artworks French artist paints together with Bindu students Bindu students busy at the workshop Daniel Fillod, Club Nomades France Padma getting interviewed by local television Suresh Kaul getting interviewed by local television Padma Venkataraman getting interviewed Artist Minu Srivastava surrounded of Bindu students Ravindra Manch Cultural Center Ramnivas Garden Benjamin and Hans, Denmark, Myriam Majesté, France entertaining guests and artists Listening to the musicians Artists busy Singer Myriam Majesté from France, musicians Benjamin and Hans from Denmark Suresh Kaul singing Bindu students watched during their work Guests interested in the Bindu Artists


Internationaler Workshop in Jaipur

6. - 14. März 2012



Die Bindu StudentInnen wurden vom Sarthak Manav Kushthashram für eine Woche nach Jaipur eingeladen um an einem Mal-Workshop teilzunehmen, ihre Bilder zu präsentieren und Jaipur zu besichtigen.
Nur 15 StudentInnen konnten die anstrengende 2-tägige Zugreise antreten, die sie erstmalig in ihrem Leben nach Jaipur, Rajasthan führte.

Suresh Kaul, der Präsident des Sarthak Mana Kushthashram, organisierte gemeinsam mit der Rajasthan Lalit Kala Academy und der Ravindra Manch Society einen Mal-Workshop mit renommierten indischen und französischen Künstlern im Garten des Ravindra Manch Kulturzentrums Jaipur.

Von den Künstlern waren mit dabei: Vidayasagar Upadhyay, Nathulal Sharma, Surendra Pal Joshi, Meenu Srivastava, Vinay Sharma, Abdul Karim, Mohammad Saleem und Gaurishankar Soni aus Indien und Marie Gardian, Francoise und Daniel Fillod aus Frankreich.

Die Soundkulisse des Workshops wurde von den dänischen Musikern Benjamin und Hans am Saxophon und der Hang Trommel sowie von Myriam Majeste mit Gesang und Tanz gestaltet. Suresh Kaul begleitete die Band ebenfalls und sang mit seiner wunderbaren Stimme ein indisches Ghazal Lied.

Diese Interaktion mit den prominenten Künstlern, die herzlichen Eröffnungsreden, die zahlreich erschienene Presse und die vielen Komplimente der Besucher zu den Bindu Bildern brachten unseren StudentInnen Anerkennung, Respekt und große Freude.

Wir danken Suresh Kaul und seinen Mitarbeitern und den teilnehmenden Künstlern des Workshops, die den Erlös liebenswerter Weise den beiden Leprakolonien zur Verfügung stellten. Herzlichen Dank auch den Musikern für die begleitenden Klänge sowie der Lalit Kala Academy Rajasthan und der Ravindra Manch Society für Ihre Unterstützung. Ein ganz besonderer Dank an die mit Lepra infizierten Menschen des Kushthashrams, die unsere StudentInnen warmherzig aufnahmen, beherbergten und verwöhnten.

Guests watching the artist during the workshop Kumar and Munusamy observing Getting to know new techniques of using colors and materials
Local television recording Vadivel, Saravanan and B.Ravichandran Local television viewing the Bindu art Lunch breack Workshop at Ravindra Manch Cultural Center Munusamy and Kumar painting at the workshop Creating art at Ravindra Manch Cultural Center Bindu students watching Nathula Vema in action Music and art at Ravindra Manch Cultural Center View of B. Ravichandran Vadivel, Saravanan and B. Ravichandran getting photographed Press and television interested in the students work Visitors interested in the Bindu paintings
Daniel Fillod looking through some Bindu paintings Subiah, Munusamy and Kumar very concentrated Students very interested Students observing Nathula Vema Visitors at the workshop Subiah and Munusamy recorded for local television Subiah in action Students watching Daniel Fillod painting the waste bin Some guests try to paint on their own Students amazed about the techniques Students amazed about the works of the artists Students helping a guest with his artwork Students interested in the artist Vinay Sharma Godavari creating a landscape B.Ravichandran Malligai Students almost finished with their artworks Saravanan very sophisticated with his artwork Subiah Vadivel very concentrated Rajeswari Munusamy Subiah and Munusamy almost finished with their works Saravanan Munusamy Suresh Kaul expressing his fascination in Godavari Padma and Suresh Kaul try to interpret B. Ravichandra Vadivel explaining his artwork to Suresh Kaul and Padma Suresh Kaul amused about Sundari Photographing the group of artists All artists and organizers together All artists showing their finished works Bindu-Art-School students with Dagmar, Werner, Padma, Suresh and Daniel Group of all artists